Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning: Tips and Tricks for Deep Cleaning Your Home

Whilst the Spring season is in action, it's the perfect time to give your home the deep cleanse it deserves. But let's be honest, the great British spring clean in housekeeping  can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

Woman cleaning

Fear not! We've got you covered with our spring cleaning checklist that will help you spruce up your space and make it sparkle like never before!


Define spring cleaning - The practice of thoroughly cleaning a house in the springtime.


Make a schedule:

Preparing for a big spring clean can be overwhelming, but don't fret! The first step is to create a realistic cleaning schedule, but what should be on a cleaning schedule? Begin by jotting down what areas of your home need the most attention. Take a moment to assess your living space and identify spots that may have been overlooked during your usual cleaning routine.

How do I make my cleaning schedule?

If you are still stuck on how to begin your cleaning schedule, there are plenty of cleaning schedule templates online, for daily weekly monthly cleaning schedules. 

Once you have a solid plan in place, you'll be able to tackle each task with ease, and stay motivated to achieve a sparkling clean home!


At Stock Must Go, we have a variety of Tablets and iPads perfect for you to start setting your cleaning schedule!


Clean from top to bottom:

Before people even begin their spring cleaning, what order to clean your house can leave people stuck?  At Stock Must Go, we suggest starting your spring cleaning off right by working from the top down. Not only does this make the job easier, but it also prevents you from having to double back on areas you've already cleaned.

What is the correct order of cleaning?

Grab a vacuum cleaner with an extension hose and give those ceilings and fans a thorough once-over. With the correct cleaning products, this simple yet effective trick will save you loads of time and energy in the long run!


Remove pet hair using rubber gloves:

Tired of constantly battling pet hair on your furniture and carpets? Here's a secret trick to make it a breeze! Simply grab a pair of cheap rubber gloves and dampen them, then run your hand over your furniture and carpet. The static will work its magic and pick up all the pet hair, which will then collect onto the glove.

If you want to know what are the best rubber gloves for pet hair removal, the answer is any! There are certain pet hair remover gloves available online, but a cheap pair of gloves also does the job, is affordable, and is easy to dispose of once you're finished!

Once you're done, you can wash the gloves and they're ready to be used again for your next clean! Say goodbye to frustrating pet hair and hello to a clean and fur-free home.


Use the dishwasher to clean household items:

Did you know that your dishwasher can be your go-to appliance for cleaning more than just dishes? It turns out that there are tons of household items that you can easily clean with your dishwasher.

What things can you clean in a dishwasher?

  • Hair brushes
  • Oven shelves
  • Shower heads
  • Makeup brushes
  • Rubber flip-flops

Don't waste time scrubbing these items by hand - just pop them into your dishwasher and let it do the work for you.

What is not dishwasher safe:

  •  Thin plastic
  • Wood
  • Sharp knives
  • Silver
  • Insulated mugs


Clean with microfiber products:

Say goodbye to pesky dust and dirt with the magic of microfiber cloths. These versatile clothes are designed to make cleaning a breeze. Whether it's dirt, grease or germs, these clothes trap and remove them all.

Microfiber is good for cleaning due to its absorbency, which makes it perfect for use on any surface in your home. Why make cleaning a chore when you can make it a breeze with microfiber cloths?


Put an indoor potted plant in every room:

Not only should you be keeping your home clean, but you should also be keeping the air inside your home clean too! Bring nature inside your home and breathe cleaner air with indoor potted plants.

Do plants clean the air in your home?

Not only do they add a pop of greenery and beauty to your decor, but they also purify the air by removing harmful gases and releasing oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.


Use old household items to clean the home:

Do you have a ceiling fan in your home? It's easy to forget about cleaning it, but neglecting this task can result in spreading dust particles all around the room when you turn the fan on.

However, there's a simple and efficient solution to this problem that you probably have lying around your house. Using an old pillowcase, you can quickly clean your ceiling fans without creating a mess. Just slide the pillowcase over each blade to collect the dust, remove it carefully, and dispose of the dust in the trash. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to keep your ceiling fans clean with this trick!


Organise your fridge:

With so much food and drink to keep organized, it can be easy for your fridge to become a cluttered mess. That’s why we've got some tips on how to organise your fridge.

The best way to organize a fridge is by removing the packaging from multipacks of drinks and yoghurts, you'll instantly free up some space. And to keep small items together, why not use roll-out refrigerator bins? Fridge organising containers are great for keeping everything in order. Plus, to help reduce food waste, simply rotate older items to the front before adding new groceries.


This deep-cleaning house checklist is sure to help you transform your home into a fresh and inviting space!

Decluttering, organizing, and deep cleaning will leave your home feeling rejuvenated and ready for the new season.  Here's to a clean and refreshing home!


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